The online Series Europa e Mediterraneo. Storia e immagini di una comunità internazionale (Europe and the Mediterranean. History and images of an international community) was launched in 2010 as an institutional publication of the National Research Council, published by the Institute for Mediterranean European History with the aim of restyling Isem’s printed Series, already established since 2004, and converting it into the more evolved e-book format.
The volumes created with digital technology represent a new frontier and goal for Isem’s scientific and cultural dissemination. Employing e-books has made the Institute’s research activities available online and in the shortest possible time, as well as their widespread dissemination, not only to the national and international scientific community but also to a broader audience of interested readers and scholars.
The Digital Series, as the title highlights, represents Isem’s mission. Europe and the Mediterranean are the red threads that bind each volume, giving life to the Euro-Mediterranean soul representing the Institute’s scientific interests. Isem has always studied how Mediterranean Europe has forged its identity and turned its attention to themes and problems arising from the relationships and mutual influences between the countries on the shores of Mare Nostrum and their projections towards the Atlantic and the Americas.
The Mediterranean, the sea of Europe and, at the same time, the gateway to Asia, Africa and the Atlantic world, stands out for its constant change, and the consistency of this change over the centuries is what Isem examines in a chronological arc that stretches from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age, up to the present day and the events that take place every day before our eyes.
The subtitle, Storia e immagini di una comunità internazionale (History and images of an international community), is self-explanatory. History interprets change over time, and images reflect that change’s individual and collective representation through artistic, literary or cartographic expression.
The richness of the themes and scientific interests of the Series means that it takes on a multidisciplinary dimension and, at the same time, a transversal interdisciplinarity. This leads to its distinctiveness as a multilingual series.
Each e-book is structured with the ISSN code, thanks to which the Series constitutes a serial; with the ISBN code, which identifies the publishing entity as the publisher of the publications; and finally, with the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), the standard that allows the permanent and unambiguous identification of any entity, object of intellectual property, present in a digital network.
The Series, directed by Alessandra Cioppi, is based on a complex team, the Editorial Editors, consisting of Isem researchers and technicians who are responsible for the scientific evaluation of the contents – evaluated by national and international referees and by double-blind peer reviewing -, the composition, layout and networking of the volumes. The Editorial Board is supported by a multidisciplinary Advisory Board external to the Institute, consisting of scholars with an international profile. It is supervised by three Editorial Managers, a Technical and IT Supervisor and two Online Publications Managers.
Each specific expertise within the Editorial Board contributes to the composition of the e-book and the immediate availability of the results of Isem’s scientific production.
The Series Europe and the Mediterranean. History and images of an international community is available on the platform Torrossa. Casalini full text, at the following link:
Online volumes
Printed volumes